DJ Milos Starcevic & DJ LaCosta at Tranzit Bar tonight!
Don't miss out on this amazing upcoming event! You can make your reservation through our Call Center 063 33 33 44 or 063 34 34 33, or even Online. This Friday…
Don't miss out on this amazing upcoming event! You can make your reservation through our Call Center 063 33 33 44 or 063 34 34 33, or even Online. This Friday…
Do not waste a moment and get your friends and yourself great fun! You can make your reservations trough our…
Still haven't decided where to go tonight? Don't worry, we are here to help! If you're in the mood for something…
Bar Santo Domingo 10th birthday. As usual, on Saturday May 17th in bar Santo Domingo you could have fabulous time.…
Who are we and what can we do? So, who is We are first professional company in charge of…
You definitely haven't been here. If you haven't visited new bar located at Danube shore, what are you waiting for? Popular bar-restaurant located at…